Odoo Point of Sales will facilitate your inventory management

Consolidate all your sales channels in real time: stores, ecommerce, sales teams. Get real time control of the inventory and accurate forecasts to manage procurements. Odoo POS is fully integrated with other Odoo apps. Your inventory app would automatically input any transaction from the pos in the stock.


You will be able to see in real time the availability of products without losing time. Furthermore, the POS is compatible with Odoo Ecommerce solution. You won't need to setup separate stocks for the two apps and improve your process.

Deliver in-store customer services

Odoo Point of Sales is more than an ordinary POS. Our app provides extra features to deliver a customer services. Give your shopper a positive experience by improving your services. Handle refunds, track warranties, follow customer claims, plan order deliveries, etc... in one interface.


Bring your sales at the next level, show that you follow your customers need and keep track of their needs. Odoo POS can produce customer invoices in just a few clicks and send information to odoo accounting app. You don't need to record manually each transaction and send them to your accountant.


The software will automatically send them for any transaction. Your accounting will be easier and more accurate. Our Point of Sales helps you to control sales and cash in real time but also to keep accuracy for your store..

Invoice & Accounting Integration

Odoo POS can produce customer invoices in just a few clicks and send information to Odoo accounting app. You don't need to record manually each transaction and send them to your accountant. The software will automatically send them for any transaction.


Your accounting will be simplified and more accurate. Our Point of Sales helps you to control sales and cash in real time but also to keep accuracy for your store.

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