Warehouse Management System

Decrease your process times, automate transactions, reduce your stock levels and get complete traceability on all operations with the Odoo double entry inventory system.

Double Entry Inventory Management

Based on the double entry system that revolutionized accounting, this open source inventory management software isn't about consumption, loss or missing products; products are just moved from one location to another.


Benefits include full traceability (from customer to supplier, not limited to your warehouse), advanced reporting (e.g. inventory valuation on manufacturing counterparts' locations) and a very simple user interface.

Decrease your process time

Odoo prepares all operations for you, according to your own logistic rules: push rules, pull rules, make-to-order, minimum stock rules, etc. Optimize the planning and jobs with the scheduler to reduce your process time.

Automatic Transactions

Schedule your picking, packing, receptions and internal moves automatically with Odoo using your own routing rules. Define push and pull rules to organize a warehouse or to manage product moves between several warehouses.

Get Full Traceability

Keep an eye on all your stock by tracing all your past and future inventory transactions. Track in detail all stock moves, not only in your warehouse but wherever else it's taken as well (customers, suppliers or manufacturing locations).


Browse through the upstream or downstream traceability flows to get a clear view of what happened to a specific product or shipment.

Fully Integrated with Operations

Make accurate procurements. Odoo WMS is fully integrated with sales and purchases for accurate forecasts. The accounting integration allows real time accounting valuation and deeper reporting on costs and revenues on your inventory operations.

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